I am grateful to those who could make it, and who bought a copy... what a great launch.
Photos taken by Andrew Bridgmont
A satisfactory moment is being relished as I type this, sitting with a nice cold beer after a good day at the market....a harvest...sheer Bliss.
...Great to get the chance to look around at the world now I have surfaced from underneath my artists mossy rock, I just saved myself from metamorphosing into a complete mole! I by chance, found a wonderful comic which I bought immediately (SOLD point blank to the lady called Gwen!): Toilet paper Life...

The cover, with a hopeless little mouse sitting on a toilet in the middle of a field of roses, somehow sums up life's tragedy. It is debatable as to whether I feel the same way as the artist who explains in the opening page: that "life is like a roll of toilet paper...in the beginning, it is all pure and white...time passes and stains appear...call it memory"...arguably, a somehow effective analogy of sorts. Throughout, the artist philosophises on how tricky justice is, and touches on some insightful (although too brief) ponderings about desire, also how it is in fact... (as I interpret it) extraordinarily difficult not to be a hypocrite...and the only real problem is in the condemnation of it. At one point, are also some possibly over affectionate co-operations between various species (perhaps over egging the point), suggesting, that if we are unable to extend compassion to one another, that we extend it to all sentient beings.
True blue anthropomorphic reversal style makes the pill, as ever easier to swallow, and about half way through there is a televised news flash by a dark eyed rabbit about the growing phenomenon of abused onions.
There is a devotion to the drawings which I admire, they are charming and sometimes hilarious/ if a little sick, and quite clear on the dark side of cute. The cover swung it for me!
Artist (from Taiwan) goes by the name of 'tpcat'...
To see all pictures at their larger original size, click on the image once for the light-box viewer.
Thanks tpcat, I am sure you are happy for me to share your wonderful front cover illustration.
To see all pictures at their larger original size, click on the image once for the light-box viewer.
Thanks tpcat, I am sure you are happy for me to share your wonderful front cover illustration.