Sunday, 26 August 2012

Trailer: Domestic Bliss episode two, Brave Encounters

I reveal the trailer for the second episode of

Domestic Bliss, Brave Encounters

Audience...this is your invite!

The launch of Domestic Bliss, Brave Encounters will take place at The Poetry Café
22 Betterton Street London WC2H 9BX

On the 28th February 2013 
from 2pm until 10pm
Complimentary wine, (nibbles) and exhibition

Exclusive launch day prices!

The event will launch the second episode of an exciting graphic novel series: Domestic Bliss, and other book art. There will be an exhibition of artwork along with films about drawing visual poetry presented in slow frame animation and the artist will be present drawing live demonstrations. Their will be food wine and informal chat.

Throughout the Domestic Bliss series we encounter two battles for survival. Bliss, a domestic cat gets lost and has to learn to fend for herself in the wilderness. Her owners, The Hobnobs have lived too long in the past where, as dancers, they once delighted and amazed audiences the world over. With the loss of Bliss, all these memories are swept away and they too are flung into a darkness in which the town of Darlseville becomes an increasingly alien urban wilderness that threatens to engulf them…


Bliss is a visual feast with an environmental twist...a graphic novel that speaks volumes, a bitter sweet epic on modern living. The series will comprise of six episodes offering a new take on previous comic book trends.

A collection of key Illustrations for the Domestic Bliss series was published in the Images 35, Best of British Illustration Catalogue last year.

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