Sunday, 26 August 2012

Trailer: Domestic Bliss episode two, Brave Encounters

I reveal the trailer for the second episode of

Domestic Bliss, Brave Encounters

Audience...this is your invite!

The launch of Domestic Bliss, Brave Encounters will take place at The Poetry Café
22 Betterton Street London WC2H 9BX

On the 28th February 2013 
from 2pm until 10pm
Complimentary wine, (nibbles) and exhibition

Exclusive launch day prices!

The event will launch the second episode of an exciting graphic novel series: Domestic Bliss, and other book art. There will be an exhibition of artwork along with films about drawing visual poetry presented in slow frame animation and the artist will be present drawing live demonstrations. Their will be food wine and informal chat.

Throughout the Domestic Bliss series we encounter two battles for survival. Bliss, a domestic cat gets lost and has to learn to fend for herself in the wilderness. Her owners, The Hobnobs have lived too long in the past where, as dancers, they once delighted and amazed audiences the world over. With the loss of Bliss, all these memories are swept away and they too are flung into a darkness in which the town of Darlseville becomes an increasingly alien urban wilderness that threatens to engulf them…


Bliss is a visual feast with an environmental twist...a graphic novel that speaks volumes, a bitter sweet epic on modern living. The series will comprise of six episodes offering a new take on previous comic book trends.

A collection of key Illustrations for the Domestic Bliss series was published in the Images 35, Best of British Illustration Catalogue last year.

Preview: Domestic Bliss episode two

Here is a collection of preview images for the second episode of my epic graphic novel series which will comprise of 27 pages, a total of 54 sides (give or take alterations during the final edit) with intermittent full colour pages and page spreads.

(Here is a link to the previous trailer, from the first episode where Bliss was by mistake left alone in the dark wild forest).

Life stirs again...

Bliss is hungry

Is it a dream or reality; this dark pang?

Are the birds friends, foes or testing her as she goes?

What choice is there for the Hobnobs in their food quest?

To Forget?

Perhaps we shall find out in the second much anticipated episode of…

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Updates on The Golden Hour

It was around this time last year that I shared an article about some of the work my partner Andrew Bridgmont is doing for the theatre. I'd like to do the same again...

To quote Andrew:

"After a trial run of the short play The Golden Hour at The Poetry CafĂ© in Covent Garden last autumn, Rachel Lerman from the King’s Head Theatre in Islington invited us to present it as part of their ‘Without DĂ©cor’ season which is designed to help in the development of new writing.  With this in mind, we are also adding two new short plays for feedback called, Landmarks and The Summer of Love and giving the three pieces an umbrella title of Short Plays From The Coast. Our aim is that with the help of feedback each week we are able to form the pieces into a cohesive unit with loosely related themes.  It would be great to see you on one or all of the Saturdays and to hear what you think, or just come along for the show and a pint. The event takes place on three consecutive Saturdays in Sept". (See link and further info here)

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

OUCH! Wrapped! (Official Online Launch)

It would be preferable to send individual parchment notices to the world, sealed with wax, delivered by personal carrier pigeon or shout…Oh yay, it's the Town Crierwith reminders for..."
The formal Launch of OUCH! Online, at this link:

But this blog will suffice. 

I wonder how I got through the last few years as I nurture my new vegetable patch out in the garden!

Following examples set, and gentle feedback from loved ones, friends, various individuals and customers during the fledgling year of OUCH! Online, I am pleased to introduce the new spring enhancements, (amongst others)...Wrapping! 

(Around this time last year)...2011 has been an incredibly helpful year of airing the collection this far, so strengthening it’s identity...We can safely wrap this one up.

I hope you will continue to be such a vital asset to its further development and growth.

Why not, we are now on TWITTER!

Thanks, from...

Monday, 30 April 2012

More Cacti!

How could I forget...have a listen to this, it's just so OUCH!

To take us out of this showery April into May! 

This little one is enjoying life now he's out of hibernation, he usually resides on some of the OUCH! gift card range...

Here is an example of the most wonderful briefs made by OUCH! They are currently undergoing re-hab, but you can get a good idea of what finery to expect with this pic, and don't worry, a buy now button is coming...

These are the Ladiz ones. Back of the hedgehog on the front and front on the back, click on the image if you want to see it larger. They are a fine pair.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

It is 2012, and London is hosting the Olympic Games!

Let us reflect on how the Greeks told all their friends about it...

To see others in the 'Turned to Stone' series, click here...
and here...
also here...
and finally here...

Sunday, 15 April 2012

High End Cactus Lanterns

Following a soulful and overwhelming blast into the world of Blog/ social networks across the web (of dest…r…creation) over the last couple of years; I can rest into the saddle and enjoy the materiality of the work again. Rather than hatching an idea, this is more a maturation stage and I am going to jump over to some of my 3D work for this article. After building up the foundations, to this blog, I have now opened up the comments section.
It is a characteristic of the cactus lantern to morph into different ways of being. They have formed a substantial history up to now and on this occasion, I will mention some further plans...

Cacti Manhattan
To see all pictures at their original size, click on the image once for the photo viewer.

Last summer the cactus lanterns were used to decorate the decking area for a birthday party, and more recently they have enjoyed pride of place at other party’s of various acquaintances and customers, including music gatherings and a 'Cowboys and Aliens' fancy dress party to which I arrived in full cowboy gear, spurs and all

They have even been used instead of Christmas trees by various customers…ourselves included! Together with my father and half brothers mutual appreciation of their own collection of my miniature cactus lanterns over Christmas time, and feedback from other proud owners, who have installed them above their fireplaces mostly…I felt…we haven’t seen the end of this!

To see all pictures at their original size, click on the image once for the photo viewer.

The cactus sheath is currently moulded and woven with mesh materials (Abaca: recycled from the fibrous banana plant stalk) using a polypropylene binder, (all fireproofed). This has been the most effective, light weight, long lasting and easily transportable way of making them. These are more suitable for events and can be made on mass relatively cheaply; the prices vary.

Next, I would like to make high end cactus lanterns. The sheaths would be made of glass (recycled bottles or the like), it would be instead of the binder, and still be amongst the amalgam of mesh materials. I would use those gorgeous vintage Victorian flower pots, gathered from old gardens, and then bid for on eBay. The cable ties for the spikes will remain; they are always kinder; anything else would be hazardous. (one would hate to find a small eye or something  impaled on the end of a REALLY INVENTIVE use of a silver fork...or similar). The endearing, intricately hand made quality of these lanterns and their many colours, shapes and sizes will be, as always: one offs made to measure.

I got the sudden spark of inspiration  from my step father last summer, who reminded me about his fathers verdant glass leafy green trees, amongst the mostly female dancing figures that he made. I have a link here to some great British Pathe footage: (Hungarian) Ivstan Kommaromy demonstrating his brilliant skills. I remember the glass work around the house when I was growing up, and I believe there is a small, though no way complete collection of his glass work at the V&A.

Throughout my journeys with cactus lanterns; I have grown very fond of them, they have provided a profitable advance just when I needed it, and have always been a reason for bringing all sorts of people together. A total of 22 lanterns were displayed in a cluster back in 2006 at The Candid Gallery Islington (also, some months before at The Fashion and Textiles museum, as part of the then ‘Eco Design Network’; I made just two for that). This was their debut into the art world and other non theatre arenas…I sold the remaining lanterns from the Candid fair to the education department of The National Theatre.

I visited the spring fair this year over at Candid in Islington, where there was some nice work, better still, it was good to chat to all of the exhibitors. I acquired some very helpful information as to specific places that enjoy the elemental joys of working with glass. I rest, assured that the V&A will be very useful too. A friend, a while back shared with me some tips on ‘glass slumping’, she makes beautiful lights that illuminate moulded parts from the human body, there is one in particular; that celebrates the penis as if it is a soft glowing angel floating in the light…it becomes less of a harsh monument than say...other such erections like Cleopatra’s needle.

To see all pictures at their original size, click on the image once for the photo viewer.

The Cacti in their varied forms have featured in clusters across dining halls, set up as headpieces for auditorium presentations, and hung from the ceilings of large dance spaces for high profile festivals. They would especially suit social areas, conferences, restaurants, cafes, bars, specialised parties and seasonal events, as well as private spaces. Special unique gifts and weddings nearly cap the list.

It will be a shift to get to grips grips with less familiar territory; this time…of glass, for specific use in making the high end cactus lantern. I'd like to see how it works, I imagine that they will be stunning as a set or an individual piece.

“Excellent, I want one!”

“Our table conversation over dinner would not have survived without such a glowing and exotic central piece…goodbye candelabra!”

“We always take great pleasure in our cactus lantern, which has pride of place on the dresser!”

 “These cactus lanterns…they make it into one of those nights that you will always remember…well, I would say that as I met my husband whilst dancing among their charming warmth!”

“Gwen in conversation with another exotic plant at the greenhouses of Kew Gardens a few years ago”…

Monday, 12 March 2012


I heard the news early this evening about the death of French comic artist; Jean Giraud Moebius at age 73. I like to think he has just gone to another world instead; one like all those dreamy magic places that he created. I am dampened and sad, yet it is an amazing thing; his work strikes the visual chord on such an astounding level.

He has pathed the way. 

To see all pictures at their original size, click on the image once for the photo viewer.

This is one of my favourite illustrations of his; I scanned it from my own copy of Arzach. (I have a French version and don't speak much of the language, but that has never mattered to me). I shall sit and contemplate the loss...much like this chap is doing in the picture.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Granny's Rinse Adventures online!

I decided to publish Granny's Rinse Adventures on line; follow this link to see it. I set up another blog to show my graphic stories.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

(Some Granny's comics were delivered in person as gifts over Christmas; others went in the post. I e-mailed a few which were received at varying success rates, so this new blog is especially good as it shows pages at a decent size but at non printable, low resolution quality etc...)

The comic book is now available in print; and in a couple of formats.

Domestic Bliss episode 2, is coming on a treat, though it has been a good challenge, juggling her with other work....I am focusing on pages to include in the next trailer.

A whole host of Valentines snogs...

Phew! This has got to be the longest snog in recorded history, spanning some of the worst of this wintery frost! On Valentines Day, the snogging will finally end at a most sweetest point. (I was rather enjoying it, but my characters are complaining if achy lips).

So many have said that the design is suitable for Valentines too, so I thought I would adapt accordingly. I won’t change the Christmas snog because I believe that winter is a time for the most snogging ever! They have now reached a satisfactory point in their evolution over the last two years and the spirit of them is now ready to be unleashed into the more volatile world of LOVE

(Because it isn’t really worth OUCH! selling just one online, each can trust that OUCH! won’t tell anyone if you buy a pack of three!!!)

Take a look here at OUCH! for the grand new collection!